Hi, I’m Atticus.

Born in ’99, based in upstate New York.

Hopefully better at writing than website design.

I started writing in high school, fueled by a loving mother who took me to the library as much as I wanted.

In fact, I made my first “paycheck” of $11 through freelance editing on Figment.com, a social space for young writers. That sparked a love for entrepreneurialism that’s carried me through multiple small businesses and ultimately landed my current job as a university copywriter.

In my marketing work, I spend my days writing for others. Writing this book is my escape to complete creative control. 🙂

Icon credit.

My Current Novel

I’m currently writing an unpologetically cottagecore romance titled In The Weeds.

Read the story of how I started writing this book here.

More About Me

My Faith

I’m a Protestant Christian, born and raised. My faith motivates all I do, including a staunch commitment to PG romance. You won’t have to worry about sexual content with me.

My Love

I’ve been happily married since 2023. My spouse, Chris, is the light of my life. If I’m stuck on a plot, I know who to go to – my little fountain of genius ideas.

My Work

I work as a content marketer for the same university I graduated from. My ideal job is being a stay-at-home parent, but that’s still in progress. Writing is a hobby.

Enough about me.

Click here to read an excerpt of In the Weeds.

Or, if you don’t have time right now, subscribe to the newsletter for updates.

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